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Could You Live in a Little Red Cube?

Believe it or not, behind these four impossibly red walls lie more amenities than I can fit in my dorm room. Built by Andrew Kline for his thesis at the Cranbrook Academy of Art, the cube represents the condensation of a home—an indoor trailer of sorts, only more compact and more in tune with a modernist aesthetic. Lloyd Alter quotes Kline on Treehugger:

The unit is composed of nine pieces, sized to fit through standard doorways and be combined in the space within. The unit centralizes the program requirements of a home allowing the space around the unit to be used for other uses, such as workspace. The unit folds (closed) and unfolds (open) to reveal different functions when needed: a wardrobe, bed, kitchen, and bathroom.

When the unit is folded (closed) the private program requirements of a home are removed and the surrounding space or workspace can be utilized for public uses. For example: a yoga instructor could live in the same space he or she teaches in. These units, utilized in vacant buildings, can build communities in hollow urban areas.


After several years of moving my belongings in and out of storage, I can see the appeal of this portable, hexahedron lifestyle. Could you live in a cube-house?

Read the full post on Treehugger and check out the work of Andrea Zittel for more explorations of small-scale living.

Photos by James Carillo via Treehugger.

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