The GOOD team stepped up boldly to declare their food- and drink-related resolutions for the New Year—and they're all over the map. From eating healthily to eating adventurously, and from making goat's milk caramels to saving food from the trash, folks here have taken the opportunity to think hard about how they want to use food to change their world in 2011.
In addition to the slideshow above, more camera-shy GOODies pledged to: use all the food they grow in their backyard (this was accompanied by a desperate plea for recipes that incorporate mini-cabbages); host more dinner parties; make homemade mozzarella cheese; never make homemade mozzarella cheese again; and rethink cheese altogether—apparently it's not a food group. Their colleagues will be making more soup; embracing pizza in Los Angeles despite their long-held resistance; making sundaes on Sunday; spending more than five minutes on their kids' lunchboxes; and actually using their slow-cookers.
2011 is going to taste pretty good around here—for the first few weeks of January, at least. What's your New Year's food resolution?