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How to Ensure You're the Only Girl Wearing Zac Posen to Prom

For the fashion-conscious high school girl, there's nothing worse than showing up at the prom only to discover that someone else is wearing the exact same dress. To the rescue: Don’t Steal My Prom Dress 2010, a Facebook group set up at dozens of high schools whose mission is to ensure just that.

The New York Timesreports that the rules are deceptively simple: "The first girl to post a dress gets to wear it, and girls coming from other schools or younger grades are expected to defer to seniors." Repeated clicks of the "like" button are encouraged; mean comments are frowned upon.

It apparently helps to "relieve some of the anxiety of a night when judgments run high, while giving them a chance to 'ooh' and 'aah' collectively over pretty clothes."

These sorts of things always make me wonder what the guys are up to. Not surprisingly, there seems to be no male equivalent. Strikes me as a lot of unnecessary pressure for girls to be perfect.

But what's your take?

Photo (cc) via Flickr user child of the 50s.