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Superclogger: Freeway Theater for Traffic Jams

Drivers in Los Angeles waste about 72 hours in traffic every year, but now some of them will have an existential puppet show to watch while they wait.

Drivers in Los Angeles waste about 72 hours in traffic every year, but now some of them will have an existential puppet show to watch while they wait. The artist Joel Kyack is hitting the city's worst freeways during rush hour in a pickup truck converted to function as a mobile theater. Drivers stuck behind him will be treated to puppet shows that explore themes such as chaos and control. Viewers can tune into the soundtrack on their radios.

Kyack calls his public art project Superclogger, and says its aim is to "temporarily [draw] the audience out of the commute experience and ... [highlight] their own individual presence within the broader structure of the traffic jam." Is it 100-percent safe? Maybe not. But it could certainly improve an evening on the 405.

You can follow Superclogger on Twitter. Cyclists and pedestrians, you can catch a special showing at the Hammer Museum in September when the freeway shows end.