We've been fans of the fantastic Boing Boing blog for years. It's daily reading for many of us here at GOOD. Boing Boing describes itself as "a directory of wonderful things." They cover what's creative, interesting, important, or just plain fun with an uncompromising, and disctinctly webby, independence.So we were thrilled to discover they were aware of our publication. We started talking with them, and ended up inviting them over to the GOOD blog so we could hear more about their interests. For the next few months, we'll have a new article or essay each week from a Boing Boing contributor-Mark Frauenfelder, Xeni Jardin, Joel Johnson, or David Pescovitz. We're calling it "Boing Boing on GOOD".The first piece, from Mark Frauenfelder, editor-in-chief of MAKE magazine and the founder of Boing Boing, is about the science fiction horrors of Botox. It's called "I Have No Wrinkles And I Must Scream" and contains some news about the neurological link between facial expressions and emotion you're probably not hip to yet.We'll have a piece by Xeni next week.And drop by Boing Boing to get a sense of what they're about if you're unfamiliar.