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Project 010: Show Your Sole

For Project 010 we asked you to submit a Project idea. Our first contribution comes from Laura Johnston. She writes: "Shoes can be a fabulous creative expression of oneself. No two pairs are alike. And that becomes even more true when you look past the obvious, and get to the bottom part-the sole. The..

For Project 010 we asked you to submit a Project idea. Our first contribution comes from Laura Johnston. She writes:"Shoes can be a fabulous creative expression of oneself. No two pairs are alike. And that becomes even more true when you look past the obvious, and get to the bottom part-the sole.The sole says a lot about a person. How far you've come, how far you have yet to go and even how you got there. Do you walk on your heels? Leaning back and taking it all in. Or do you dance on your tip toes, eager to jump forward to what's next? Did you, um, step in something unpleasant because you forgot to look out for the hazards of urban living that sometimes lurk beneath your feet?These are all important details.Show us your sole. Or someone else's. Capture an interesting shoe sole that tells a story. Share it with the world. And let these soles remind all of us to look past the surface of things, and to the grit, grime, wear and tear that carries us each along each day. It can be a beautiful thing."We were game. A few shots of shoes from the GOOD offices are above, although we're pretty sure only the first is interesting.

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