The GOODEST can be so many things, but why not just narrow it down to one thing each week? We'll change it up and keep it fresh. After all, we...
The GOODEST can be so many things, but why not just narrow it down to one thing each week? We'll change it up and keep it fresh. After all, we consume so much daily, so for the weekend, why not just take away one great learn and do from the week?
Why Carbon Footprints Matter: What I Learned From My Hyper-Detailed Calculations
Saul Griffith, co-founder of renewable energy company Otherlab, figured out his exact personal carbon footprint—from every glass of wine, to a new pair of underwear. What he found out about his own personal impact was pretty grim...
Will you measure your carbon footprint?
This post is part of the GOOD community's 50 Building Blocks of Citizenship. Follow along and join the discussion at #goodcitizen.
Also, this month, challenge a neighbor to GOOD's energy smackdown. Find a neighbor with a household of roughly the same square footage and see who can trim their power bill the most. Throughout February, we'll share ideas and resources for shrinking your household carbon footprint, so join the conversation at
Illustration by Jessica De Jesus. Image from El Bibliomata.