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You Can Now Buy Toilet Paper With 10 Of Trump’s Most Flushable Tweets Printed On It

This toilet paper definitely has the best words.

Photo from Toilet Tweets.

Many have speculated that when President Trump goes on one of his notorious Twitter rants, he does so while taking his morning constitutional.


Now you can take the tweets Trump possibly composed on his toilet and flush them down yours. Toilet Tweets sells a roll of toilet paper with 10 of Trump’s most flushable tweets printed on it. You’ll get to cleanse your nether regions with classic tweets, including: “Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow – if so, will he become my new best friend?” and “Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence?” Plus, it’s two-ply, so while Trump’s words may be harsh, this paper remains soft.

Hilarious reviews are piling up on

2.0 out of 5 stars However it’s highly recommended for nights of excessive pee incidents
ByLSMon August 4, 2017
I was going to order this but was concerned about lack of absorbency and that it may lead to leaks. However it's highly recommended for nights of excessive pee incidents.

As of Aug. 4, Toilet Tweets has sold out of the toilet paper, but it isn’t popular with everyone. Many conservatives find it disrespectful.


To make the Trump bathroom experience complete, another entrepreneur has created the Trump Toilet Roll Talker. Whenever a square or two is pulled off the roll, the user is treated to one of Trump’s ridiculous comments, including: “I don’t wear a toupee. It’s my hair. I swear” and “I love China. I just sold an apartment for $15 million to somebody from China.”

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