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Scientists sound alarm as Earth breaches 6 of its 9 planetary boundaries as per 'health report'

Referring to the planet as a patient, a team of researchers said that Earth is in a critical condition.

Scientists sound alarm as Earth breaches 6 of its 9 planetary boundaries as per 'health report'
Representative Cover Image Source: Henryk Welle (Getty Images)

Life on Earth is sustained based on a fine balance between various ecosystems such as rainforests, glaciers, oceans, and volcanoes as well as various climate cycles all working in tandem. About a decade ago, Johan Rockström, the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), devised the concept of “nine planetary boundaries,” which signify a tipping point after which they can't support Earth. He revealed in the Planetary Health Check Report 2024, that six boundaries have been breached and the seventh is struggling against human interference, threatening life on Earth.

Representative Image Source: A conceptual image of Earth with one half showing lush greenery and the other half showing dry, cracked soil, representing environmental contrast. (Getty Images)
Representative Image Source: A conceptual image of Earth with one half showing lush greenery and the other half showing dry, cracked soil, representing environmental contrast. (Getty Images)

These findings are published in the journal called Science Advances. According to Global Commons Alliance, the nine planetary boundaries for Earth are “biosphere integrity, climate change, land-system change, freshwater change, nutrient cycles, ocean acidification, aerosol pollution, ozone, and novel entities which include pollutants like plastic.” Out of these, six boundaries have already been disturbed, while the seventh, ocean acidification, is at the edge of reaching its threshold, as per the health-check report, first conducted in September 2023.


“Our updated diagnosis shows that vital organs of the Earth system are weakening, leading to a loss of resilience and rising risks of crossing tipping points. Six of the nine planetary boundaries are transgressed and put into context in the report by high-resolution spatial maps of local and regional trends for all nine boundaries. The message is clear, local actions impact the planet, and a planet under pressure can impact everyone, everywhere. Securing human well-being, economic development, and stable societies requires a holistic approach where the protection of the planet takes center stage,” Levke Caesar, PIK Scientist and study lead author, said in a statement.

Representative Image Source: Close-up of children holding a planet at the beach (Getty Images)
Representative Image Source: Close-up of children holding a planet at the beach (Getty Images)

In addition to this, Johan, who referred to planet Earth as a “patient,” said, “The overall diagnostic is that the patient, Planet Earth, is in critical condition. Six of nine Planetary Boundaries are transgressed. Seven PB processes show a trend of increasing pressure so that we will soon see the majority of the Planetary Health Check parameters in the high-risk zone.”


Furthermore, the study revealed that the planetary boundary of climate change is in a high-risk zone, and the boundaries in land system change and freshwater change have also been transgressed, although to a lesser extent. Stratosphere ozone depletion has remained stable, according to The Guardian, but surprisingly, the atmospheric aerosol loading boundary has improved. But when it comes to the ocean acidification boundary, it is already at the tipping point. Ocean acidification, as per The Guardian, is “the phenomenon of increasing acidity (decreasing pH) in ocean water due to the absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide.” Accumulation of excess carbon dioxide can pose a threat to living species that thrive in oceanic underwater.

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Chair of the Planetary Guardians, said that indigenous people lived in harmony with the planet’s critical life-supporting processes for centuries, and replenished the overall health of Earth. But now, he said, people are killing life with an overdose of chemicals, destruction of nature, skyrocketing temperatures, and rising pollution. While these planetary health checks are vital for the effective functioning of Earth, they may not provide the answer to the perturbations caused by humans that are pushing the boundaries.

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