Article originally appeared on 6.20.21.
Imgur user BeefGir posted a series of Facebook posts in which a man named Robert mercilessly trolls his “friend" Brendan for saying stupid stuff. The gallery on Imgur is titled, “When you become a smart trolls personal enemy," which makes it seem like Robert and the Imgur user are probably the same person.
Brendan seems like the Facebook friend from hell who anyone with more than two brain cells has probably muted. He's a racist with terrible views on pop culture and questionable math skills.
So here are some of Brendan's most asinine posts and his friend's trollish responses.
1. Shots fired.
2. Things get scientific.
3. Then political.
4. Brendan's numbering system is introduced.
5. And Robert will not let it go.
6. Will. Not.
7. Brendan hates Monty Python!
8. And he loves Donald Trump.
9. Now Robert's bringing his agenda to other people's timelines.
10. Still struggling with numbers. And movie titles.
11. And objects.
12. They can't get straight who is straight.
13. Oh my god, shut up, Rob!
14. This is basically wishing someone would die.
15.'re the terrorist in this situation.
Who do you think is worse? The mega-racist idiot, or the pathetically determined asshole?