It's a tale as old as time: the person screaming in your local Home Depot is actually a hero.
A few weeks ago Camryn Radcliff and her mother Cassi were shopping at their local Home Depot in Commerce City, Colorado, when Camryn suddenly yelled out "Black Lives Matter!" Camryn is four years old. Standing nearby was a local woman named Sherri Gonzalez, who turned to Camryn and said "Thank you so much for saying that and for recognizing that my life matters."
Cassi says the outburst was prompted because Black Lives Matter was "fresh in her [Camryn] mind." When asked why, at the age of four, she believes Black Lives Matter, Camryn said it was important that everyone heard the phrase "because some people be mean to black people," and "I say Black Lives Matter, so loud, Black Lives Matter!"
Sherri was so touched by the moment that she and Camryn became quick friends. She wasn't struck just by what Camryn was saying, but by the vigor used by such a young person to say it. Sherri says she "heard 'Black Lives Matter.' And it wasn't like she said it like 'Black Lives Matter.' She said it with strength, like she was making a point." Sherri and Camryn took photos together, and Camryn even asked if Sherri would "like to come over for a sleepover?" The two have bonded over their love for the Denver Broncos, as Sherri's son
While the potential for a Sherri/Camryn sleepover is funny, the two put their heads together to use the moment to raise money for Sherri's charity that helps young girls go to school in Kenya.
This moment encapsulates such a beautiful opportunity for neighbors to come together around a powerful movement. Sherri spoke about her optimism in the coming years, saying that "the youth is going to change the world, in ten years we're going to see something different." If more four-year olds grow up with an attitude and outlook like Camryn's, perhaps the future won't be as grim as we think.