if the annoyance of actual people around you hasn’t made you self-conscious about lighting up a cigarette in public, this new tactic, adopted by a Swedish pharmacy, might just do the trick. Teaming up with ad firm Akestam Holst, drugstore chain Apotek Hjartat have put forth a responsive sign that’s sure to have smokers doing double takes.
The poster-sized sign, set on a kiosk, has smoke detectors attached to it that will cause the man pictured to “cough” if the sign believes that someone’s smoking next to it.
After the attention-getting act, the display then switches over to an array of smoking-termination products, such as patches and gum.
Sounds kind of fun, right? Take a look at the sign in action below:
I guess those annoyed by smokers can breathe a sigh of relief that they’ve got machines on their side now, too.