Trump wants to repeal it next year, but there’s no replacement plan in sight.
via Twitter
Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, in 2010, the Republican Party has vowed to “repeal and replace” the law. With Republican president-elect Donald Trump taking office in January, Congress is set to repeal the ACA in 2017 although, so far, no replacement plan has materialized.
According to a study by the nonpartisan Urban Institute, if the ACA is struck down, 22.5 million will lose their healthcare subsidies and become uninsured while an additional 7.3 million will lose coverage because of market upheavals. By 2019, over 59 million Americans will have no health coverage, and America’s uninsured rate will be higher than before the ACA was passed.
Recently, president-elect Trump said that his replacement plan will keep popular provisions in the ACA such as eliminating pre-existing conditions and allowing parents to keep their children on their health care plans until age 26. But he will eliminate unpopular provisions such as the individual healthcare mandate. The big problem is that the unpopular parts of the bill are in place to make the popular provisions economically feasible. Which is why the GOP has had six years to come up with a suitable replacement plan and nothing has materialized.
Today, when Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander tweeted about the devastating impact that repealing the ACA will have on America, people shared how their lives will be affected.
Thirty. As in Three Zero. Million.— Jason Kander (@Jason Kander) 1481583043
@JasonKander I beat Stage 2B cancer last January, but because of Donald Trump I constantly worry about my future health coverage.— Gabe Ortíz (@Gabe Ortíz) 1481598483
@AtotheG @JasonKander My kid who's in remission could now be booted off because of his preexisting condition. I'm looking at college abroad.— Ann Marie Gamble (@Ann Marie Gamble) 1481586685
@JasonKander My wife and I would lose insurance... I am a minister and she owns her own business. Improve it, don't remove it!— Jordan Starkweather??? (@Jordan Starkweather???) 1481584989
@JasonKander I have pre existing conditions; was dropped from insurance in '10 when diagnosed. Now I have an ACA plan and will lose it.— #NastyWoman (@#NastyWoman) 1481586724
@JasonKander ACA allowed wife and I (both had pre-existing) to quit jobs in 2012, start successful biz, and create 4 good-paying jobs.— Hawkins (@Hawkins) 1481587372
@jasonkander My Grandmother will be one of them. Lost her husband a year ago to cancer, has limited income & relies on Obamacare.— Holly (@Holly) 1481586688
@JasonKander I have end-stage renal disease and I just barely fit under the Medicaid expansion cap. Without it and Medicare I will die.— D’oh! A Deer! (@D’oh! A Deer!) 1481586799
@JasonKander I have a genetic condition that may cause a rare form of cancer. I'm healthy but can't buy a policy at any price without ACA.— kk (@kk) 1481584900
@JasonKander I quit consulting to play music fulltime this year. I have arthritis, so if I lose my insurance I have to go back to job I hate— Your Pal Adam (@Your Pal Adam) 1481585091