The storming of the Capitol building last week may be the best-documented crime scene in human history. The criminals proudly filmed and photographed themselves in the act then shared it all publicly on social media.
The insurrection also took place during the certification of the 2020 election in the Capitol which was covered by countless media outlets. Cameras were everywhere.
Could it be that these folks were so certain that their act of sedition would be successful they didn't fear getting caught? Or were they simply a bunch of conspiracy theorists who really weren't that bright, to begin with?
In the aftermath of the horrible event, law enforcement agencies and social media sleuths have been hard at work identifying and arresting these domestic terrorists. Many are losing their jobs for participating in the insurrection.
Out the Terrorists on Instagram is doing a great job at identifying this motley cast of characters. Their work began as Homegrown Terrorists a few days before the siege, but after the page exponentially grew in popularity, it was temporarily shut down by its anonymous creator.
"These terrorists broke into the Capitol Building. They could break into my house," they wrote on Twitter. They were also notified that the FBI was keeping tabs on the page. But now, the patriots are back in action with the Out The Terrorists backup page and a Twitter feed.
It's super-satisfying seeing those who brazenly attempted to subvert democracy get what was coming to them by being outed. Many are totally shocked they're being arrested for their behavior.
One of the scariest images from the insurrection was the guy armed with zip ties who appeared ready to take hostages at the Capitol. He outed himself the night of the siege by a live-streaming video of himself celebrating with a beer.
Doesn't look like our friend here will be working at his insurance agency much longer.
Probably not the best idea to post a shot of yourself committing treason on a public forum.
This Proud Boys leader was arrested for unauthorized entry into the U.S. Capitol, let's hope he also got a ticket for smoking.
There were a lot of bad looks at the Capitol that day, but the most disturbing was the guy wearing a Camp Auschwitz shirt. According to CNN, he was arrested in Virginia and has previous run-ins with the law.
Uh, David. Probably not a great idea to film yourself talking about your exploits at the Capitol, and post it on TikTok.
Do you know the identity of this man?
Anybody recognize the guy who made the gallows?
Anybody recognize the guy who made the gallows?
— Eileen the Traveler (@ecarsonvacation) January 10, 2021
Most experienced criminals don't look directly at the camera and smile.
This guy is doing the police's work for them. He should be on the payroll.
This is quite the self-own.
Leo, you do know what you did was illegal, right?
Look, mom! I smashed a window.
Probably not a great idea to out your dad when he's out committing criminal acts.
Know any of these guys?