Super Tuesday is off to an emphatic start for former Vice President Joe Biden. After a disastrous start to the 2020 primaries, Biden has come roaring back. Most experts were unsure if his commanding South Carolina primary victory last Saturday was an asterisk of the beginning of a sea change in the tumultuous quest to replace President Donald Trump at the ballot box this November.
If the early results are any indication, the Biden momentum is very real. Less than a week ago, Sanders appeared poised to take both Virginia and North Carolina. But both states have already been called for Biden with less than 1 percent of the total votes counted. That means the early results indicate a large victory for Biden in both states.
Obviously, many more crucial Super Tuesday states remain in play, including California and Texas. Sanders has held a considerable lead in California and many analysts say it could create a firewall for him against any Biden insurgency. The two candidates appear closer in Texas, where Biden held a large rally Monday night featuring endorsements from Amy Kloubacher, Pete Buttigieg and Beto O'Rourke, amongst others.