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A student was denied his graduation walk because of his shoes. Then a teacher stepped up to save the day

John Butler, a paraeducator and mentor who helped the student, called for more inclusive policies.

A student was denied his graduation walk because of his shoes. Then a teacher stepped up to save the day
Left: Getty Images | Photo by BONDART Right: Getty Images | Photo by Motortion

A high school senior in Louisiana almost missed his graduation over a pair of shoes. In a frustrating turn of events, the student, Daverius Peters, was barred from the ceremony for violating the dress code with his footwear. According to Fox 13 News, Peters arrived at the venue only to be told that his shoes were unacceptable. He shared that the experience made him feel humiliated and singled out, especially since another student wearing similar shoes wasn’t stopped. Desperate, Peters turned to his teacher for help—and he wasn’t let down.


Students were required to wear dark dress shoes, with a strict rule against athletic footwear. Peters was in formal attire but had on black sneakers with white soles. Unsure of what to do, he turned to John Butler, a paraeducator and mentor. Butler recalled checking Peters’ shoes and wondering what the issue was. After speaking with the staff member enforcing the rule, it was confirmed that Peters wouldn’t be allowed to walk in his sneakers. Without hesitation, Butler stepped in, offering Peters the shoes off his own feet.



Although the shoes were two sizes too big for the boy the relief on his face was evident according to the teacher. The boy expressed that when the teacher allowed him to wear his shoes he immediately felt happy again. "We’re gonna have to make this work, because no matter what, you are walking on that stage," Butler told Peters. "He smiled, he looked good and I was just so happy about that." Peters walked across the stage in the teacher's oversized shoes and received his diploma. The teacher said that his walk was more of a slide and that everyone laughed, but the shoes managed to save the day. The school's public information director, Stevie Crovetto, told the outlet that there would be a thorough review of the school's dress code policies. She said that the school would want to work towards making its practices more equitable and inclusive whenever it can. She also added that she applauds Mr. Butler for his selfless act and has informed all the stakeholders of the incident that the policy will be reviewed. The boy's mom also expressed her disappointment over her son being barred from his graduation for such a reason in a video from WWLTV.


Peters was very grateful to his teacher for making his big moment possible. He said, "I would thank Mr. John Butler from the bottom of my heart. Because he didn’t have to take off his shoes so I could walk on the stage even though my shoes weren't dress shoes." The teacher also hoped that the school would make a more inclusive policy so students don't have to miss out on a once in a lifetime moment like their graduation. "I always try to lead by example," Butler said, acknowledging his experience as a Marine Corps veteran as per the outlet. "Be kind, be compassionate, be helpful and be at service to others." The teacher has proved that policies are a small barrier to cross if you truly want to make someone feel included.


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