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12 Days of Architecture: 11 Maps for Haiti

One of Architecture for Humanity's favorite projects of 2012 was the Haiti Rural Mapping Program, creating maps for many regions for the first time.

In homage to one of our favorite holiday tunes, Architecture for Humanity is sharing 12 of our favorite moments of 2012. Day two: our Haiti Rural Mapping Program.
In Haiti, many towns, villages, roads, and waterways are not currently located or cataloged on a map, and settlement patterns are currently roughly estimated through aerial and satellite photography. How better to benefit 500,000 people than by making them maps?
With a grant from the WK Kellogg Foundation, Architecture for Humanity is mapping eleven communes across southern and central Haiti: Cavaillon, Maniche, Mirebalais, Saut d'Eau, Boucan Carre, Lachapelle, Arcahaie, Aquin, St Louis du Sud, Cayes, and Ile a Vache.
After months of work, entire days wandering through villages marking coordinates, the Haiti Rebuilding Center survey team completed the first GPS-based maps ever recorded for these communes.

Images courtesy Architecture for Humanity.