The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 20 percent of patients in the U.S. account for 80 percent of our healthcare costs. Beyond this, about 75 percent of our healthcare costs are spent on preventable disease, per the Centers for Disease Control.
Solutions to this problem—like Obamacare—will begin to address this, but a lot of work remains.
And while it has been a while since Michael Moore's eye-opening Sicko addressed the issue, another documentary has picked up the subject—Escape Fire: The Fight To Rescue American Healthcare.
It’s even one-upping Sicko in that the American Academy of Family Physicians will give med school students (read: our future doctors), as well as current doctors, continuing education credits just for watching it. You can't watch in theaters anymore, but from September 17-30, the film has apparently been marked down from 15 bucks on iTunes to $0.99. Whether you watch it for credit, or edification, it's some sobering and uplifting food for thought.