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Twitter Commemorates Roe v. Wade With #7in10forRoe

On the 42nd anniversary of the decision making abortion legal in the U.S., a social media push shows support for reproductive rights.

On the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, House Republicans pushed legislation through that would permanently ban the use of taxpayer funding for abortions. While their initial plans to vote on a bill that would have effectively prohibited abortions after the 20 week mark were scrapped in light of women in the party arguing that the bill did nothing to consider victims of rape, this smaller measure is just as disheartening for pro-choice supporters everywhere. NARAL Pro-choice America took to Twitter to ask its followers why they stand with the 70 percent of Americans who support Roe v. Wade, using the hashtag #7in10forRoe. Here are some choice tweets:

#7in10forRoe became a nationwide trending topic, with thousands of men and women sharing their experiences, opinions, and support for Roe v. Wade.

The Center for Reproductive Rights took to the conversation to stand up against the abortion de-funding bill and call attention to their War on Women campaign (cosigned by one Yoko Ono).

Adam Smith invoked the great Ruth Bader Ginsberg in his stand for women’s rights.

Priya Tiwari quoted “Veep” President Selena Meyer’s thoughts on gender inequality.

Atima Omara, president of the Young Democrats of America spoke up for choice.

Feminist organization Ultra Violet shared an infographic pointing out the dangers that reproductive health care is facing in 2015 at the hands of the government.

This tweet from the White House came after President Obama released an official statement this morning calling for the country to rededicate itself to “ensuring that our daughters have the same rights, opportunities and freedoms as our sons.”

Journalist Maureen Shaw stood with the seven in ten Americans who understand that reproductive rights are part of a larger struggle.

Rachel from Texas shook off the stigma and shared her personal experience.

The Daily Show and Lady Parts Justice co-creator and media whiz Lizz Winstead shared a video thanking pro-choice activists for all that they do.