It's been a decade since America’s children had the chance to watch Mr. Rogers change into sneakers and a cardigan and take a trip to the “Neighborhood of Make-Believe.” But PBS certainly hasn’t forgotten the beloved educator or the lessons he taught about ideas, imagination and curiosity. This video remix that they've produced with YouTube mashup king John D. Boswell is an inspiring reminder of all that Mr. Rogers stood for.
The song, aptly titled "Garden of Your Mind" features footage of all the things those of us who grew up with Mr. Rogers love—the trolley, Mr. McFeely, and the castle with King Friday and Queen Sara Saturday. And of course, it has Mr. Rogers singing lyrics like "Do you ever imagine things?" and "It’s good to be curious about many things. You can think about things and make-believe. All you have to do is think and they'll grow."
The video is a sweet—and tear-jerking—homage to a man who devoted his life to those ideals. It’s sure to make you reflect on your own life and figure out how you can get some more imagination and curiosity in it.