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A Short Update From GOOD HQ

We've been hard at work creating new ways of opening GOOD up to the community we've always aimed to serve and celebrate.

If you've been visiting GOOD over the last several months, hopefully you've seen some exciting new things. From the launch of GOOD Maker (for finding and funding good ideas), to GOOD Finder (for sharing and promoting what’s good), to the monthly 30-Day Challenges, to the acquisition of Jumo, we've been hard at work creating new ways of opening GOOD up to the community we've always aimed to serve and celebrate.

At the same time, we've had to make some big and difficult decisions, perhaps the biggest and most difficult of which involved letting several members of our editorial team go last Friday. These were great people who contributed a lot to GOOD. We wish them the best and expect that they will do great things.

GOOD has always been a work in progress, and even as creating and spreading awesome content by amazing people will continue to be a critical part of what we do, this was a step we felt was important to take as we pursue a refined strategy to inform, connect, and empower the community of people who give a damn.

Here at GOOD HQ, we're excited about the the road ahead—including a big relaunch of our site this summer. We hope you'll stay tuned and be ready to join in. It's going to be fun.