Look into the future with our singularity experts.A Project inspired by GOOD's miniseries on the singularity by Michael Anissimov and Roko Mijic.Over the past few months we've been lucky to have Michael Anissimov of Accelerating Future and Roko Mijic of Transhuman Goodness writing a series of posts about the future of technology and artificial intelligence called Singularity 101.With these experts around, we thought it would make sense to host a quick Project. Here's the deal: In the comments below add a prediction or question about the future of artificial intelligence. You could ask "Are robots ever going to be able to do the work of, say, a lawyer?" or "What are the odds that nanobots replicate out of control and take over the world in the 2020s?" Or you could say "I believe we'll all have robot chauffeurs by the end of the decade and here's why..."We'll collect the five best questions or predictions that come in by the end of Saturday, January 23, and get responses from Michael and Roko. And then you'll know what to expect from our future robot overlords and/or benevolent dictators. Have at it, futurists!
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