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A Styrofoam Sculpture to Represent the Big Apple's Waste

Terreform ONE takes New York City's waste to create beautiful art installations.

New York City disposes of 38,000 TONS of WASTE PER DAY.

The Babel Waste Capital: Ice Star/Trash Star, which will be presented as a part of the IDEAS CITY festival in New York this weekend, rethinks and upcycles what the city throws away. The star form represents a single 30 second flash of Styrofoam waste produced in New York City from packaging materials for new refrigerators, microwave ovens, speakers, vacuum cleaners, and other electrical appliances.

Our city disposes of heavy volumes of consumer e-waste daily. This project rethinks and upcycles what the people throw away. Styrofoam packaging was collected from local neighborhoods and transformed into a didactic installation. The aim is to confront the public with the trash our city produces in just moments. This erected artifact represents a perspective of domestic urban life reconstituted from its own waste stream. In the future, we make no distinction between waste and supply. Here waste is upcycled into usable systems for building or sculptural folly.

Project Credits: Terreform ONE, Mitchell Joachim, Maria Aiolova, Melanie Fessel, Wagdy Moussa.

IDEAS CITY, the biennial festival created to explore the future city and to effect change, takes place in downtown New York from May 1–4, 2013.