Hello? Goodbye. Not everyone has been the victim of a would-be online scammer but it’s safe to say that nearly everyone has at the very least been forced to deflect their annoying, privacy bursting attempts to steal our digital identities, money and time.
That’s what makes Frank Flemming Jensen the hero we need today – as he relied solely on Adele lyrics to shut down a wannabe Facebook scammer using the name “Sandra Jones.”
See, Sandra really just needed some money to catch a flight to the U.S. where she then could help “sexy man” Jensen solve all of his life’s “beautyfull” problems:
The scammer didn’t seem to pick up on the running gag for quite awhile until Jensen repeatedly began repeating typing the title to Adele’s most famous song “Hello” before the the scammer finally departed for more fertile ground.
"My newest Facebook friend apparently doesn't like Adele," Jensen wrote. But we like you, Jensen. It may not put an end to the plague of online scammers but with a little creative trolling you’ve given Adele fans, and fans of poetic justice everywhere, a surprise hit of the summer.