Are you a college student or recent graduate looking for work? It's time to join the Briefcase Brigade. Act fast—it's happening today. This new grassroots youth movement (which we first mentioned last week) wants you to suit up like you're heading to a job interview, grab a briefcase, march on your local congressional office with your resume and demand that our lawmakers invest in job creation.
Over five million young people are currently looking for work. For college students searching for summer employment and grads hunting for full-time work—something that will enable them to stop living with mom and dad—it's easy to feel foolish that you believed the message that if you stay in school and work hard, a good job will come your way. You can see the earnestness in the faces of the young people in the video below. They're ready to work, so where are the jobs?
Members of Congress are home for recess, and this is the time they set aside to listen to constituents. If you're out of work, don't be shy about telling your representative, "I need a job."
Tell them to work on policies that create jobs, and not austerity measures that take them away.
photo via Briefcase Brigade