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Art To Sink Your Teeth Into: 3-D Comfort Foods Worthy of a Gallery

I was born in Los Angeles to a father who was a minister and a mother who was a Colorado cattle rancher’s daughter. I am the product of a typical suburban upbringing, a childhood filled with skateboarding, arcade games, and junk food.

My three-dimensional sculpture series Comfort Foods is an exploration into the human psyche and our infatuation with food. Subjects range from fast food advertisements to delectable donuts, breakfast cereal, and frozen TV dinners. I’ve even created an interactive installation of a domestic environment where anyone can savor delicious junk foods while playing video games in a comfy chair.

Food is truly entangled in how we live our lives. Through happiness, excess, waste and want, our desires and relationships with food become the focal point of our lives, sometimes triggering memories of the past. My food memories are full of a lot of nostalgia, so that’s what I try to express in my art.

Sticky Cake




Chicken Tonight


Outta the Oven



Bite Me

You Rock


Last month, we challenged the GOOD community to host a dinner party and cook a meal that contains fewer ingredients than the number of people on the guest list. Throughout March, we shared ideas and resources for being more conscious about our food and food systems. Join the conversation at and on Twitter at #chewonit.