At some point in our lives, we all come into contact with an internet troll. Whether it’s that stranger from high school who can’t stop screaming about food stamp theft, or the patronizing friend who starts every sentence with “Well actually,” the internet is full of idiots with free time. That’s why the artist Molly Soda created a hilarious book of spells, designed—among other things—to help writers and Facebook posters everywhere defend themselves from internet hate. And while the science behind the troll spell has yet to be proven (not sure how “digging holes” will translate to “dying trolls”), her project was met with well-deserved internet tweets, favorites, and acclaim.
Trolling is a real danger on the internet, especially for young women writers. Nearly one in four young women report being stalked or sexually harassed online—some even with death and rape threats. So while spells might not *exactly* be the ultimate solution (no disrespect to the spell world), Soda’s point is real. Trolls are often more than an annoyance—they’re a real danger—and political change doesn’t look like it’s coming anytime soon.
Not to worry: there’s other equally pressing spells in Soda’s spellbook, including, “How to get someone to like your social media post,” and “How to be more attractive in selfies.” In 2013, Soda was listed by Complex as one of the year’s most important artists. Prior to the spellbook, the artist spent ten hours reading her Tumblr inbox online—revealing so much of the hate that writers, and especially women writers, experience online.
Check out more of Soda’s awesome work on New Hives, or here on her site.
(Via Fusion)