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Barack Obama Launches 2012 Presidential Campaign on YouTube

President Obama kicked off his 2012 presidential campaign this morning. In a sign of the times, he did it with a YouTube video recruiting volunteers.


President Barack Obama kicked off his 2012 Presidential campaign overnight. And in a sign of the times—and maybe the campaign to come—he did it on YouTube with this video titled "It Begins with Us."

The 2:10 ad features voters from around the country explaining why they feel it is important to get active in campaigning or supporting Barack Obama.

Ed from North Carolina says, "I don't agree with Obama on everything, but I respect him and I trust him."

Katherine from Colorado is decidedly optimistic about getting engaged in the legwork of grassroots politics. "It's individuals, talking to individuals and making a difference," she says. That's what Obama wants you to do.

The ad is the only feature on the official campaign website, headed by a bold faced question "are you in?" and a sign up form to volunteer.

Though YouTube dates the video for Sunday, April 3, Politico points out the official campaign launch was in the wee hours of the morning, maybe around 4 a.m., Monday, which is the 4th day of the 4th month, possibly numerically significant for our 44th President.

Still, 19 months before the actual election, this launch on social media is a hint that the early work of campaigning will be building a grassroots and digital-roots campaign corps. The real winner of this strategy may well be YouTube and Twitter as unprecedented numbers of peer-to-peer campaign pitches proliferate around the social networks on behalf of all the candidates.

On the Republican side, we're still waiting for a leader of the pack to emerge, while Donald Trump continues to pretend he's serious about running for the nation's highest office. So for now, Obama has the YouTube 2012 campaign stage to himself.