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Call Center Worker Brilliantly Beats The Heat And The Office Dress Code

The heat wave in England has been brutal.

Over the past few days, a wicked heat wave has hit England, and Wednesday, temperatures reached a 40-year high. To beat the heat, 20-year-old Joey Barge wore a pair of shorts to his job at a call center in Buckinghamshire, just outside of London. But, unfortunately, Joey’s shorts violated the office’s dress code so he was sent home to put on something that conforms to work policy.

Joey’s short shorts…

So Joey found something cool that didn’t violate the company’s dress code … for women.

Joey left for work knowing he’d be sent home again, but at least he made a point.

He looks rather fetching, doesn’t he?

But to Joey’s surprise, he wasn’t sent home for wearing a dress to the office. Management was leery of violating the U.K.’s strict laws that prohibit companies from discriminating against employees based on their gender identity or sexuality. Joey also scored a victory for his fellow employees after the boss sent out a letter allowing them to wear shorts during the heat wave.