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This mild-mannered senator couldn't take anymore of Ted Cruz’s hypocrisy so he went scorched Earth on him.

In just 8 hours it became CSPAN’s most popular video from the senate floor.

In the moments before the Senate was to vote on dueling bills to reopen the government on Thursday, Colorado Democratic Senator Michael Bennet took some time to do what most Americans would love to do: rip Ted Cruz a new one.

Cruz had given an emotional speech about the need to reopen the government to help America’s first responders. He must have forgot that he was a major reason for the 16-day government shutdown in 2013 over funding for the Affordable Care Act.

“It is not right that we aren’t paying the Coast Guard,” Cruz said. “Right now, every other military branch is being paid. The Army’s being paid, the Navy’s being paid, the Air Force is being paid, the Marines are being paid, but the Coast Guard is not being paid.”

Enraged by Cruz’s hypocrisy, the famously mild-mannered Bennet gave an impassioned speech reminding Cruz of his previous efforts to shutdown the government when his state was facing a crisis.

The 2013 shutdown coincided with a flood in Colorado that killed eight people. Bennet believes the government’s closure hampered relief efforts.

“I’ve worked very hard over the years to work in a bipartisan way with the presiding officer, with my Republican colleagues,” Bennet said. “But these crocodile tears that the senator from Texas is crying for first responders are too hard for me to take.”

“People were killed. People’s houses were destroyed. Their small businesses were ruined forever,” Bennet shouted. “And because of the senator from Texas, this government was shut down for politics.”

Bennet then turned his attention to the reason for the current shutdown, President Trump’s demand for funding for a wall across the U.S.-Mexico border. “How ludicrous it is that this government is shut down over a promise that the President of the United States couldn’t keep, and that Americans are not even interested in having him keep?” Bennet asked.

“This idea that he was gonna build a medieval wall across the southern border of Texas, take it from the farmers and ranchers that were there, and have the Mexicans pay for it isn’t true!” he exclaimed while raising his hands above his head. “That’s why we’re here. Because he’s now saying the taxpayers have to pay for it.”

Bennet’s outburst was cathartic to many people on Twitter.