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Crowdsourcing The Best Advice For 2016 Grads

Some of the funniest, mind blowing, and practical pieces of #GradAdvice for all ages.

Throughout our lives, we experience many different graduations and each one comes with its own set of hopes, fears, and excitement. No matter your age, good advice is always appreciated when embarking on the next stage of life. With Twitter and other social media platforms, we live in a golden age of crowd sourcing advice on the right way to live a happy and successful life. Using #gradadvice, we’ve found some of the most hilarious, mind blowing, and practical pieces of advice for grads of all ages.

Work Matters (A Little)

Failure Means You’re On The Right Path

Humor Is The Spice Of Life

Real Talk

Some grad advice tropes persist over the years: Find a balance between work and play, be kind to others, don’t be afraid to take a chance or ask for help, etc. Join the conversation and share some inspiring words with others using hashtag #gradadvice.

Graduation. It’s the perfect time to look back, and forward. It’s a time to celebrate all that has been accomplished, and to set goals for the years ahead. AT&T hopes that you’ll share your stories and experience using #GradAdvice. The important life lessons that we’ve all learned along the way deserve to be handed down to the graduates of tomorrow.