The inimitable Yuri Artibise who has devoted himself to the Herculean task of making one of the country's most unwalkable cities (Phoenix), walkable, offers up on his Yurbanism blog a selection of his favorite urban infographics.
Artibise's top 5 include The Broad Street Cholera Outbreak of 1854(which was perhaps the first urban data visualization); Massimo Vignelli's iconic New York Subway Map (1972); Eric Fischer's Flickr-photo generated exploration of "Where Tourists Really Flock"; Wired's awesome "What a Hundred Million Calls to 311 Reveal About New York" (hint: its residents are noise-averse and generally displeased with taxi cabs); and Thumb's vibrant "Ring Roads of the World" that renders ugly urban sprawl into something gorgeous.
Artibise lists a few other favorites such as the National Building Museum's "Cost of Owning a Car." At GOOD, we can't get enough of this stuff so Yuri, thanks for adding us to your list!