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One Man’s Incredible Journey From Oregon to Patagonia on a Bicycle

An epic adventure.

When Jedidiah Jenkins quit the job he loved to ride his bike from Oregon to the very southern tip of South America, everyone wanted to know his reasons for doing it. His friend, Kenny Laubbacher, joined him and filmed the journey for a month-and-a-half until he got an answer. Jedidiah wanted to be in control of his own life.

“I’ve met a lot of older people who give me the spiel of, oh my life went by so fast, yesterday I was nineteen or twenty-five, and now I don’t know where all that time went,” says Jenkins. “I want to make it to eighty-five and be exhausted because I have been awake and alive every day.”

Today, Jenkins is writing a book about his adventures so that he can teach others how to break their routines and not let their days control them.


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