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Black Segregation Hits 100-Year Low

New Census figures from 2005 to 2009 show that black residential segregation has decreased since the year 2000 to reach a 100-year low.

New Census figures from 2005 to 2009 (artfully mapped by The New York Times) show that black residential segregation has decreased since to a 100-year low. The average black person lives in a neighborhood that is 46 percent black (down from 49 percent in 2000). Residential segregation is by no means a thing of the past—it actually increased in 25 of the 100 largest metropolitan areas—but the numbers are encouraging.

The Progressive Pulse offers additional context:

While the overall decrease is good news in the housing context, it raises some disconcerting questions in the realm of public school integration. A report from University of California at Los Angeles’ Civil Rights Project shows that, during the same period where residential segregation declined, segregation in public schools has accelerated.

Do you see integration as a trend that will continue in the coming decades? You have to wonder how our continually turbulent economy will affect things.

Image (cc) by Flickr user andymangold