In today’s divisive political climate it’s nice to see that some politicians can come together to celebrate diversity. And, you know, to take some amazing selfies.
In a rare example of Democrats and Republicans coming together, this weekend saw the official opening of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. President Obama was on hand and by all accounts gave a powerful and stirring series of remarks about the new museum’s significance.
And then former president George W. Bush hit him up for a little help with a selfie that just wasn’t working out.
That’s right. Bush was on hand with his wife Laura to help mark the occasion. The two men who have vastly different political visions seem to be getting along well enough now that Bush is nearly eight full years removed from his historically disastrous presidency. And he seems to have really mellowed out in those years.
So when a woman attending the opening asked for a photo with the Texan, he appeared all to happy to comply. The only problem was he couldn’t get the wrong angle for the kind of snap the woman would cherish for years to come. So, without hesitation, he tapped the current president, aka the most powerful man in the world, on the back and asked him for a solid.
Obama seemed momentarily surprised by the request but then his better nature kicked in as he helped coach Bush and the woman into the best shot possible.
Now, that’s teamwork, fellas.