A recent study found that a whopping 38 percent of American workers called in sick last year when they were actually in perfect health. So if you’re one of the millions who’ve played hooky just because you felt like it, this story may make you feel a twinge of guilt. On December 8th, Cameron Nelson of Indianapolis, Indiana walked into his local Chick-fil-A and saw the cashier was wearing a sling and neck brace. “We sneeze too hard and decide to call in, but he’s workin like nothing’s wrong,” Nelson wrote on his Facebook page.
After talking to the cashier, 18-year-old Jakeem Tyler, Nelson learned that the didn’t just have amazing work ethic, but an incredible heart as well. “When I placed my order, I asked him what happened...he said he was involved in a car accident,” Nelson wrote, “but he was working cause he needs the money and also wants to feed the homeless for Christmas and needs the cash.” Nelson was so impressed by Tyler that he set up a GoFundMe page to help him out. The fundraiser started on December 9th with a goal of $2500. In just ten days, the fundraiser has earned over $42,000 from 1600-plus donors.
According to Tyler’s father, he routinely hands out food to homeless people after his shift ends at work. “Whenever he has the money, he'’ll purchase some food at the end of his shift, and he’ll stop along the way home and give it to people,” he said. Even though Jakeem is working hard to help the homeless around Christmas time, he believes people should be generous year-round. “What’s important to remember is the homeless aren’t just hungry around the holidays,” he told Today. “This is an everyday occurrence for some people.”