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Even The Photos Of China’s Newest Sky-High Glass Bridge Will Get Your Palms Sweating

A crystal clear view between you and the ground, 1,476 feet below

China seems to have found a very interesting approach to attracting tourists to its more remote geographical features: Scare the hell out of them with glass bridges and platforms.

It seems to be working. One year ago, the government opened a 1,000-foot-long bridge spanning the picturesque gorges in Shinuihai Geopark in the Hunan province. Then, last fall, authorities opened another such bridge over the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon, quickly discovering that the attraction was made dangerous by its own success. The influx of visitors resulted in weight loads ten times the intended capacity, causing the bridge to be shut down in the name of public safety.

Now, just last month, one more high-flying glass-bottom bridge has opened for tourists seeking a mix of panoramic beauty and adrenaline. The bridge, which ends in a large observation deck reminiscent of a helipad, towers up and atop Mount Langya in Hebei, a region of northern China.

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The observation deck can accommodate 200 observers at once, sitting 1,476 feet above the rocky gorge bottom below.

In order to make the journey to the top, you don't just need to overcome a fear of heights, you'll also need to be in decent shape, as the cable car ride up stops short of the top, meaning even if you don't wish to make the three-hour trek to the deck, you'll still need to hoof it for 40 minutes after riding the tram.

So far, there have been no reports of dangerous conditions or safety issues, so if you’ve got the stomach and endurance to make your way up, it’s now open to the public.

If not, you can still get an exhilarating look at the structure via this drone footage: