Why have Mulan, Tiana, Cinderella, and Belle decided to make an appointment with their gynecologists? They’re getting their HPV vaccinations, Pap tests, and cervical exams to help prevent cervical cancer. This women’s health campaign was created by writer and sex-ed speaker Danielle Sepulveres and artist/illustrator Maritza Lugo for Cervical Cancer Awareness Week in the U.K.
The campaign came about after Sepulveres became frustrated that no publications were choosing her story pitches for Cervical Cancer Awareness Week. “Almost every day my timeline on social media is bombarded with reimagined Disney princesses in one way or another, and most people get a huge kick out of it,” she said. “So one day it hit me—had anyone ever drawn them going to the gynecologist before?”
Cervical Cancer Awareness Week runs January 24-30. According to the charity Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, “Every day in the U.K., eight women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and three women will lose their lives to the disease.” In the United States, around 12,900 new cases of invasive cervical cancer were diagnosed in 2015, with 4,100 women dying from the disease. To learn more about how you can prevent cervical cancer, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website.
(H/T Forbes)