How do you make city government more accessible? The City of Boston has taken the challenge literally, and taken city services on the road. Inspired by a food truck—and built to look like one—the mobile 'City Hall to Go' visits Boston neighborhoods offering a menu of specific services. Instead of a burrito, you can get a library card, dog license, or register to vote.
For most residents, the city says, the government website, City Hall, and an app called Citizens Connect will remain the most common ways to interact with the government. But for those who can't get online, or prefer to talk to someone in person, the truck provides an alternative. The truck may also be used at street fairs, block parties, and other events through the year, or to provide seasonal services.
It's a creative way to make bureaucracy seem a little more friendly. The idea came from the Bloomberg Mayors Challenge, a national competition to find solutions for improving city life.
Image courtesy City of Boston.