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CoFed Keeps Fast Food Off College Campuses

When Yonatan Landau was graduating from UC Berkeley, plans were in the works to open a Panda Express on campus. Landau, even though he had one foot out the proverbial door, wasn't happy—and neither were other Cal students who organized a protest. UCB ultimately voted against fast food chain but the experience inspired Landau. "I saw this model had a unique chance to mobilize students and do something big." That something was CoFed, a training program and research institute empowering students to create ethically-sourced, community-run cafes on college campuses. Instead of fast food, students can grab healthy, organic, affordable alternatives. Ideally, CoFed hopes to leverage the political and social capital created around “green” food to institutionalize hundreds more of these change-making campus hubs. For more on CoFed and to learn how you can make this kind of change on your campus, check out

Photo (CC) by Flickr user mistdog.