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Colbert on Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining

Colbert was clearly speaking to us last night. (Morgan already wrote about his interview with Emily Pilloton of Project H.) He took some time...

Colbert was clearly speaking to us last night. (Morgan already wrote about his interview with Emily Pilloton of Project H.) He took some time early in the show to talk about-as only Colbert can-a recent study published in Sciencethat highlights the human impacts of mountaintop removal coal mining. He interviews Margaret Palmer, one of the leads of the study, opening by asking her what the big deal is since "these mountains will grow back."He also tears into the Patriot Coal mining company, saying, "You know its patriotic coal because they're using their bombs bursting in air to turn our purple mountain majesties into amber waves of grain." See for yourself:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c

Coal Comfort - Margaret Palmer

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