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“My Advice Is Not To Be Afraid”: Life Lessons From 2016 Grads

Graduates from every walk of life share their advice. #GradAdvice

Both a life-changing milestone and an incredible achievement, graduation is a time for reflection, celebration, relief, and sometimes, giant leaps into the unknown. Whether you’re graduating with a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, completing an online certification course, or moving on up from fifth grade to middle school, you’ve come a long way. And the best way commemorate your accomplishments? Share what you’ve learned.

Graduation. It’s the perfect time to look back, and forward. It’s a time to celebrate all that has been accomplished, and to set goals for the years ahead. AT&T hopes that you’ll share your stories and experience using #GradAdvice. The important life lessons that we’ve all learned along the way deserve to be handed down to the graduates of tomorrow.