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Contest: Make a Healthy, Delicious Student Lunch [UPDATED!]

We're obsessed with food. Specifically, what kids are given to eat every day at school for lunch. We thought a contest was in...

We're obsessed with food. Specifically, what kids are given to eat every day at school for lunch. We thought a contest was in order, complete with a $50 gift card from Whole Foods Market for the five best entries.


Create an ideal student lunch, photograph it and submit it.


Since the federal government reimburses up to $2.68 per lunch per day (and keeping in mind that they buy in bulk, and the ingredients they buy aren't always of the highest quality), we have made our price limit roughly double that, assuming that if a school were to actually buy these things in large enough quantities they would total out at well under $5 per meal.


To get the ball rolling, we made our own (pictured above): a low-mercury tuna salad sandwich with avocado, tomato, and alfalfa sprouts, nectarine slices, organic animal crackers, and organic low-fat milk. May it spur you on to culinary and kid-friendly greatness.


—Ingredients must total $5 or less.

—It must be a balanced meal and contain a protein, a fruit/vegetable, a grain and a dairy or dairy substitute.

—It needn't include meat, but it can; organic and sustainable ingredients are encouraged.

—It must be something that a kid might actually eat.

—Include a menu and a brief description about why your lunch is great.

—Be creative!


Send your lunch to projects(at)goodinc(dot)com. Every submission will be posted, and the five best will be gifted a $50 card from Whole Foods Market. Full contest rules and regulations can be found here. Deadline: February 28th at Midnight PST.

Happy lunch-making!

Note: While the contest is now over, you can still check out our two sets of submissions here and here.