The wonderfully creative folks at PETA have come up with a new way to try to make you rethink your meat-eating ways: trying to ruin the best meal of the year. In a parody of the obscure Wii game Cooking Mama's Cookoff (only the hardcore Wii fans will be familiar with this absurdity), you pull the feathers off a turkey, then remove its organs and stuff it with a disgusting gray goo. The problem, of course, is that the audience PETA is ostensibly trying to reach (the dastardly meat eaters) have probably seen a turkey before, and it is not the scabbed, rotting bird filled with malodorous goop. Instead, the meat eaters know that it is a delicious, golden bird filled with scrumptious stuffing. So while the facts that PETA displays between game screens-about turkeys fed with so many hormones so that they can't stand up because their breasts are too large-are chilling, trying to disgust us with obviously exaggerated meat cartoons just undermines the argument. You're going to have to do something to convince me to give up the deliciousness, not try to convince me, against all experience, that it is not, in fact, delicious.Play the game, which is slightly fun for a second, here.
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