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A bigot on Twitter said transgender people ‘insult’ god, and this comedian responded with fire and brimstone.

Funny enough, the Bible says nothing about transgenderd people.

“You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.” ― Anne Lamott

A Twitter user has a problem with transgender folks because they “insult” god. But, if there is a god, how does she know that he or she has such a problem with them?

The Bible says absolutely nothing about being transgendered. But there are many characters in the book that God loves who express their gender in ways that don’t necessarily align with their biological sex.

Jay Michaelson points to the story of Jacob.

The patriarch Jacob, for example, is clearly gendered female in comparison with his twin brother Esau. Esau is hairy, Jacob is smooth; Esau is a hunter, Jacob “stays in the tent” (which is where women stay) and cooks; Esau is favored by his father, Jacob by his mom. And yet Jacob is the chosen one who becomes Israel, who fathers a nation.

Of course, Jacob didn’t go on hormone therapy, but the way the Bible constructs his gender identity makes it very clear that, at least until his transformative nighttime wrestling match, he is gender non-conforming.

So, Hodges can choose to view transgender people positively, but instead she has decided to believe that God Almighty has a real problem with them. It looks a lot like Hodges is creating god in her own image.

Hodges sent out this tweet and it was completely shot down by comedian Dana Goldberg, who happens to be a lesbian. Goldberg has appeared on the Logo Network and season five of “Last Comic Standing.”

Hodges responded with a sorry-not-sorry backtrack claiming she loves LGBT people, but it’s God who has the problem.

The tweet inspired a lot of fantastic responses from people who are fed up with people who think LGBT people offend the creator of the universe.