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Day 21: Document a Neighbor #30DaysofGOOD

Get your cameras ready. For November's challenge, we're asking you to document your life, from the highlight of your day to your neighbor.

Welcome to The GOOD 30-Day Challenge (#30DaysofGOOD). Each month, we challenge ourselves to improve the world around us—and our own lives. The challenge for November? To document your life. In an effort to help us all rise to the occasion, each morning, we will post a daily mini-challenge on and Twitter, along with a testimonial from someone on the GOOD team who's already completed it. We invite you to complete all 30 mini-challenges and share them with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.

Today's challenge: Document a neighbor. Above, Dylan C. Lathrop submits an image of a former neighbor.

This is my friend and former neighbor Trevor, who wouldn't be my friend had we not been neighbors. This was taken on a recent trip back to Minneapolis, and I think this photo of him sums up our friendship pretty well.

See submissions from yesterday's challenge, document the inside of your fridge.

Tomorrow's challenge: Document the thing you spend most of the day looking at.

Ready, set, go take a picture! Good luck completing today's challenge. Once you've snapped a shot, be sure to share it with us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook by using the hashtag #30DaysofGOOD. We will then post a roundup of your images the next day.