For our latest monthly challenge, we're asking you to get healthy, from your feet to your teeth to your brain.
Take a walk on your lunch break.
I first started taking workday walk breaks not out of any particular sense of virtue, but because all the good vices make me ill.
Many people rely on breaks for coffee or a cigarette to keep them sane at work, but I’ve got a famously weak stomach that turns at the first taste of either. Booze and I get along fine, but drinking during the workday rarely turns out well. So I started taking walks whenever I needed to get away for a few minutes, and now I take at least one every day.
The key to a successful workday walk is to go alone, so cruising to Starbucks with a coworker doesn’t count. Plug in your headphones, turn on some tunes that suit your mood, and unwind for a bit. Mix up your route so you see new things—last week, I stumbled on a copy of The Giving Tree laid lovingly under a palm tree. Either don’t think about work at all, or if you do, be like Steve Jobs.
The most important thing about instituting a walk break is to do it every day, no matter how busy you are or how much you think you need it. I’ve found that my walks are particularly crucial on those days when the software crashes and the deadline crush is especially intense, but they’re refreshing on the chill days too. And there’s no nausea involved.
Ready, set, go! Good luck completing today's challenge. Share your experience on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook by using the hashtag #30DaysofGOOD, or let us know how it went in the comments section below.
You made it through the end of the month! Congratulations. We hope you're feeling healthier than you did on October 1st. It's time to gear up and get ready for November's challenge to document your life.
Tomorrow's challenge: Document street style.