According to The Economist's latest report on feeding the world, far too much food never reaches the plate.
Farmworkers picketed outside Trader Joe's demanding a "fair food agreement" including an increase in tomato pickers' pay.
U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said the unsayable today: Wealthy farmers shouldn't receive subsidies. Let's hope he doesn't cave in on this as he did on GMO alfalfa.
Chipotle and Jimmy Choos? CNN reports that the rich are turning to fast food to save money for luxury goods.
What's your stomach saying when it rumbles? Improbable research unravels the psychoanalytical significance of borborygmi.
Sneaking into a Holiday Inn Express with 30 bags of burgers, varying payment methods, and other tales of a In-N-Out secret menu photo shoot.
"Chocolate milk is mandated at every Marine meal, and four types of soda must flow at lunch and dinner." Unhealthy mess hall buffets are hurting U.S. armed forces.
Bringing weekly grocery circulars into the 21st century: A new tech start-up is mixing data and retail psychology to help shoppers get the best deal on food.
And finally, a story handpicked from the annals of packaging insanity: Del Monte is to start selling bananas in individual plastic bags. Because they don't already have a perfectly good skin of their own.
To make matters worse, the company claims that the bag is an environmentally friendly initiative, because the gases sealed inside it "contain 'Controlled Ripening Technology'—which extends the shelf-life of the banana by up to six days."
Dietary Supplements is a daily round-up of what we're reading at GOOD Food HQ.
Photo via theDaily Mail.