Will genetically modified alfalfa contaminate your organic food? Some say yes. Others aren't so sure.
Organic foods can contain up to 5 percent genetically modified organisms, but you won't find them listed on the label. Mark Bittman explains why.
Tour de France champion Alberto Contador claims he unknowingly consumed clenbuterol, prescribed illegally by both trainers and farmers to build muscle and burn fat, in a steak dinner.
The Australian brewer 4 Pines is testing the first batch of beer specifically brewed for future space tourists.
Meanwhile, PurposeEnergy extracts energy from spent brewing grains at Magic Hat in Vermont, which could mean "saving the earth, one beer at a time."
Today's extra credit—and food trend hot tip alert—comes from Francis Lam at Salon, who warns of the imminent gastronomic rediscovery of Bugles, Funyuns, Munchos, and other salty snacks of his youth. While reacquainting his taste buds, he finds that Funyuns disappoint ("like an onion ring made out of dust") but as for Bugles: "Holy cow. These things are good."
The texture is lovely, crisp and light, their weird horn-shape actually making a big difference; your teeth start the crunching process only to find no resistance in the hollow center; it's a tactile illusion that emphasizes lightness. But then the flavor kicks in, a toasty, richer version of Fritos, vaguely sweet and ... bacony from the heavy coconut fat.
It will be a couple more weeks till I can sample any of these processed delights, but what you do you think? Are Bugles really overdue a revival?
Dietary Supplements is a daily roundup of what we're reading at GOOD Food HQ. Enjoy!