Sure, Central Park is nice...for some of the year, at least. But how convenient would it be to just have an airport there instead. So convenient, right?That's the view of The Manhattan Airport Foundation. Here's a clip from their "project vision":Public dollars helped create Central Park in the 1850s. And public responsibility dictates that we transform this underutilized asset into something we so desperately need today. Manhattan Airport will prove New York City no longer allows it's vestigial prewar cityscape to languish in irrelevance but instead reinvents these spaces with a daring and inspired bravado truly befitting one of the world's great cities.Sound crazy? I thought so too. Worldchanging has a post up with some more information on what it's really about.CLARIFICATION: The Manhattan Airport Foundation is almost certainly a provocative, Yes Men-style hoax meant to spark a conversation about the uses and value of public space. Sorry for not making that clearer. And I agree with the chorus of commenters below: replacing Central Park with an airport is a horrible idea.
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